Tanggal: Mar-21-2025
Dina taun digital dieusian gancang ayeuna, réliabilitas sistem éléktrisna kandungan kritis. Malang Mly15
Mly1-100 langkung ti ngan ukur nyuweng; Éta alat canggih anu masihan modél panyalindungan duaan: Modeu umum (MC) sareng modeu anu béda (MD). This two-layer approach ensures your electrical system is protected from direct and indirect lightning strikes, as well as other transient overvoltage events that can interrupt operations and damage equipment. Kalayan Mly1-100, anjeun tiasa ngaso yakin yén suplai listrik anjeun dilindungan tina ciri anu teu kaduga.
Ment1-100 mangrupikeun pilihan anu saé kanggo sistem listrik anyar sareng kadua ieu sabab pamasangan anu gampang sareng épisién. In a three-phase, four-wire configuration, the MLY1-100 is strategically placed between the three phases and the neutral wire, seamlessly connected to the ground wire. Masalah ieu maksimalkeun kamampuan panyalindungan alat alat leutik, mastikeun yén sadayana jalur spanci poténsial épék. Naha anjeun ningkatkeun sistem anu tos aya atanapi ngalaksanakeun anu énggal, my1-100 tiasa gampang dihartikeun kana setélan anjeun.
Kasalametan sareng Kauntungan mangrupikeun prioritas utama dina desain Mly100. This surge protector complies with GB18802.1 and IEC61643-1 standards, ensuring it meets the highest industry performance and reliability benchmarks. By choosing the MLY1-100, you are investing in a product that not only protects your equipment but also complies with international safety regulations. Komitmen ieu pikeun berkualitas sareng kasalametan ngajadikeun mly1-100 pilihan anu dipercaya pikeun usaha sareng individu.
Sadayana, papotal Mentg00 Box00 mangrupikeun kedah-waktos pikeun milarian sistem listrikna tina ancaman Kakuatan. With its advanced protection modes, easy installation, and compliance with stringent safety standards, the MLY1-100 stands out as the go-to solution on the market. Don't let your valuable equipment be threatened by the unpredictable forces of nature – choose the MLY1-100 surge protector and have peace of mind knowing your power supply is in safe hands. Jaga investasi anjeun ayeuna sareng mastikeun kabéréskeun sareng kabéréskeun motensi sistem listrik anjeun sareng My1-100.